Taxonomy Access details

2 min read

This site uses the Taxonomy Access Control module to regulate access to certain areas of the site. Taxonomy Access helps restrict the access of the Anonymous user (aka Joe Internet Browser) to all student created content. As this site is configured, Anonymous users have no access to student-created content, and limited access to teacher-created content.

In one of our test installs, we noticed what appears to be a bug in Taxonomy Access. This does not affect the functionality of Taxonomy Access; all student created content is still inaccessible to the Anonymous user. However, it does affect the ease of use, and if this issue appears on your site, we want you to have the workaround.

Normally, you can access the Taxonomy Access Control Settings by going to to Administer, Access Control, and clicking on the Category Permissions tab. The bug we noticed eliminates the Category Permissions tab. If this occurs on your site, you can access this page by navigating to "". This will bring up the identical options as the Category Permissions tab.

As we developed and tested this site, we saw this issue intermittently on one of our sites. We could not duplicate the issue predictably, and the version of the site we used to create the "master" database dump (ie, the one we included in this distribution) did not have this bug/anomaly.

But, because we saw it, we wanted to tell you about it. That's just the way we are.