My Proposal, NECC 08

2 min read

In this session, participants will examine portfolios from several angles:

  1. as a learner, using the portfolio to track/present their day to day work;
  2. as a learner, using the portfolio as a tool to highlight individual artifacts in order to demonstrate learning over time;
  3. as an instructor, examining the various situations where portfolio use may or may not be the best choice to support student learning;
  4. as an instructor, using a portfolio as a professional development tool;
  5. as an administrator/evaluator, using a portfolio as a means of presenting the different types of learning occurring within a school or an organization.

The approach to portfolio development examined in this session, however, will differ from the approaches traditionally taken in other portfolio applications because the different types of portfolios described above can coexist in the same application, without the needs of one stakeholder dominating/subsuming the needs of another.

After examining the mechanisms for creating these different types of portfolios, we will examine similarities between the creation of portfolios and the creation of curriculum. We will then survey the various mechanisms for moving content between sites, with an eye toward allowing instructors to quickly and easily grab sections of lessons from multiple sources and remix them into a coherent, customized lesson.

And at this point we can step back and ask: what do we need textbooks for again?

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