The Other Wes Moore

1 min read

The Other Wes Moore

I first heard about The Other Wes Moore on OPB's Think Out Loud. It was this year's book selection for Everybody Reads at our awesome Multnomah County public library.

There are plenty of book reviews out there, but the book is such a quick read that it'd be better to just read it for yourself. Something in there will resonate with you. For me, more than just about anything, it was this:

Even a legacy as ugly as that of Cecil Rhodes -- a nineteenth-century imperialist, white supremacist, and rapacious businessman -- could be turned around and used by a person like me, someone Cecil Rhodes would've undoubtedly despised, to change the world that Rhodes and people like him had left for us.

Oh, and if you're an Ubuntu fan you won't be disappointed either.

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